Posted by paige davis on

Independent home entertainment label Camp Motion Pictures confirmed the July 3, 2018 re-release of its popular H.P. Lovecraft tribute CALL GIRL OF CTHULHU following a series of successful theatrical and micro-cinema screenings in NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Austin, Tucson, and Washington D.C. The Blu-ray / DVD combo re-issue loaded with extras features new art inspired by 1970s / 80s horror paperbacks and VHS as well as a new, lower SRP of $24.99 / Alternative Cinema Direct price of $19.99.

CALL GIRL OF CTHULHU was directed and produced by Baltimore natives Chris LaMartina and Jimmy George in 2014 under their Midnight Crew Studios imprint, also responsible for 2013’s flawless homage to ‘80s Halloween television, WNUF HALLOWEEN SPECIAL.  In CALL GIRL, the duo brings the same infectious enthusiasm for the genre they brought to WNUF, while ratcheting up the special FX and gore to deliver one of the most insanely fun and splat-tastic adaptations of H.P. Lovecraft since Stuart Gordon’s RE-ANIMATOR and FROM BEYOND. 

Carter Wilcox is a struggling artist saving his virginity for someone special. When he meets the enchanting escort Riley Whatley, he believes he’s found the one. Unfortunately, she’s also "someone special" to an ancient cult convinced she’s the chosen bride of its alien god, Cthulhu.  Forced to mate with the tentacled deity, Riley begins to mutate… into the perfect vessel for the spawn that will destroy mankind! 
Now, Carter and his noise musician roommate Erica Zann must battle the sinister cult and unimaginable creatures to rescue Riley and save humanity…or surrender to the slimy grip of the Great Old Ones. 

Critical Praise for CALL GIRL OF CTHULHU
“A wonderfully weird and comedic love letter to H.P. Lovecraft” –

"This cool flick is witty and packed to the gills with campy effects and lots of good, gory kills"
- Rue Morgue Magazine

"low budget goofy fun, better than it should be and quite splattacular"

"Laugh-out-loud funny and lose-your-lunch gross" –  HorrorHound Magazine

"A perfect Midnight Movie." – 
“An absolute must-see for fans of horror movies, comedies, splatter flicks, and H.P. Lovecraft."
"Truly one of the more insanely fun and well-conceived low-budget horror movies I’ve seen all year."
–  Daily Dead

“finds all sorts of sexy, splattery, silly ways to riff on the eldritch author while still bearing an underlying reverence” – Fangoria

Director: Chris LaMartina
Starring: Melissa O’Brien, Dave Phillip Carollo, Nicolette le Faye, George Stover
Audio: 2.0 Stereo
Aspect ratio: 16x9
Feature film run time: 92 minutes
Format: Blu-ray / DVD Combo
Special Features: Two Audio Commentary Tracks with Director Chris LaMartina and Producer Jimmy George and with Chris LaMartina and Select Cast and Crew; “Lights! Camera! Tentacles! The Making of Call Girl of Cthulhu”; “Dunwhich Whorers: the Outtakes of Cthulhu”; Call Girl of Cthulhu Kickstarter Videos Including Call Girl of Cthulhu Kick-Off Video, A Special Message from H.P. Lovecraft, My 5-Year Old Niece Explains Cthulhu, Cthulhu for President Commercial, and A Special Message from George Stover; Call Girl of Cthulhu Trailer; Camp Motion Pictures Trailer Vault

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