Skin in the Sixties Triple Feature - Uschi Digard (DVD)
Skin in the Sixties Triple Feature (DVD)
Directed by Nick Philips
Retro Seduction Cinema is thrilled to bring you SKIN IN THE 60s - a collection of rare and forgotten grindhouse films featuring the never-before-released THE MADAM, starring legendary buxom bombshell Uschi Digard.
The Madam (1969) Starring Uschi Digard, Sue Peters
A biker, John, gives a ride to a hippie named Sissy, who offers the down-and-out drifter a job as bartender at her mother’s motel. John quickly discovers the motel is really a brothel and Sissy’s mom is the “Madam.” As patrons come and go, a new girl has to be broken in, and John and Sissy get to know each other a bit more intimately in a variety of ways, much to the fury of the Madam.
L’Amour de Femme (1969) Directed by Nick Philips
Lenore and Suzanne are swingin’ 70s chicks who share a swank apartment and a Lincoln Continental financed by their rich, bankrolling daddies. Not having to work gives them plenty of time to share their beds, too, and they make the most of that time and their lesbian inclinations by indulging in all manners of kinky eroticism.
Take Them as They Are (1970)
Do drugs, have sex, go to jail. That’s the socially redeeming message and cautionary lesson put forth in this torrid tale of three horny, young couples who just can’t say “No!” to drugs…or good, clean, orgiastic fun.