Deviate Thrills Grindhouse Collection (2-DVD)
Deviate Thrills Grindhouse Collection (2-DVD)
Rare and Forgotten “Adult” Cinema from the Filthy 70’s
featuring Sexercise (1970) + Bonus 16mm Loops
Synopsis by 42nd Street Pete:
I always have said that I like my girls like I like my grindhouses - hot, sweaty, dangerous, and smelling faintly of pot. The good ol’ days…for me anyway. For the rest of you who have never had to back off a mugger in the men’s room, never had the opportunity to turn down a $10 blow job from a hooker of questionable gender, or never missed the last bus home and thus never had to spend three nerve-wracking hours in a 24 hour porn grinder or stand out in the fuckin’ street, I dedicate this DVD to you.
After Hours Retro Cinema has unearthed a “lost” classic this time - a full length feature from the sick, sick 70's. Sexxxercise (1970) stars a 70's porn icon, Sandy Dempsey, as the “Instructor” of a weight loss clinic. The “exercises” are rather revolutionary and this technique still works today.
But wait, there’s more, so don’t send me that email yet. After Hours Cinema has added a few storefront shorts, also in color and sound. And as an extra, the 42nd Street Pete “History of the Peeps,” which I did in one take and completely sober. Hey, get your hand off that remote ‘cause there’s more you horny bastards. In order to give you the true grindhouse experience, we have included not one, not two, but seventeen color loops for your viewing pleasure. In case I didn’t mention it, this is a deluxe two DVD set, so never let it be said that After Hours Retro and 42p don’t give you more bang for you buck!
You must be 18 years or older to order.