Sex Before Marriage Grindhouse Double Feature (DVD)
Sex Before Marriage Grindhouse Double Feature (DVD)
Original DVD Release Date: May 22. 2012
Don’t get After Hours Cinema wrong, the institution of marriage between a man and a woman is a wonderful, many splendored thing with its myriad of intimately shared experiences that the new, happy loving couple can look forward to in their life together. Unfortunately, sex isn’t one of them. Thus, before the “I Do’s,” be sure to chalk up as many “I Did’s” as you can. You’ll thank us when the honeymoon’s over.
SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE (1970) – You better get it then, ‘cause once you’re married, forget about it! And that’s exactly what our horny groom works into his busy schedule on the DAY of his wedding! And you can be sure it ain’t sleazy sex with the Mrs.-to-be! Stars Fran Spector
FREUDIAN (1969) – Redhead Diane pays a guy for sex. Betty returns home and joins in with them. Mid-scene Betty turns to the camera and asks the viewer directly: "What do you think of our friendly neighborhood - wouldn't you like to join us?"
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